
We are a wonderful (even though we say so ourselves!) little family run Italian restaurant based at 217 Buchanan Street in the heart of Glasgow City Centre.  The Caprese is owned and run by Costanzo who, assisted by his family, serve up truly authentic, freshly prepared Italian food in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.  Just newly re-opened after major refurbishment, you can now dine in beautiful surroundings, be treated to exceptional food and amazing service from the great staff (us!) and Costanzo of course!  Come and visit to see how fantastic we look (and the restaurant too!).

6 Responses to About

  1. Sam Ashcroft says:

    Any chance you can load a menu on to the website?

  2. Working on that as we speak Sam! We’re in the middle of changing the menu so can’t load it up until everything is finalised but hopefully some time next week we will have a menu on here.

  3. Looking great over here…complimenti! 🙂

  4. Thanks Michelle! Not as impressive as your new goat babies though! Auguri!

  5. Ian Hamilton says:

    I was sorry to hear of the near demise of the Caprese but then heartened to know that Costanzo had secured new premises. It is maybe hard to imagine that the originality could ever be the same, there again I am sure Constanzo will make sure of it. I have no doubt the excellence of the food will never change and the superb service and friendliness from the waitresses will also be the same. Not sure about Constanzo though, will his cheek and insults still be there?……I hope so it’s a blast.I have not been there for a while since my daughter Wendy left Glasgow for Dunblane and I live in Edinburgh but intend to pay a visit shortly. One should not let too much time pass it’s too good to miss.
    Ian Hamilton

    • jo says:

      Thanks for getting in touch Mr Hamilton. Of course you are right, the excellence of the food will never change and we will never change either! You can be assured that Costanzo will maintain the same level of insults and cheek that you are used to, he’s been practising on us on a daily basis so that he doesn’t lose it! Give our regards to Wendy and the family and we hope we will see you all down at the new place very soon. Still awaiting the licence unfortunately so it looks like it will be November sometime but we don’t have a date yet. If you keep watching the blog or better still, subscribe to it, then you will see the opening date as soon as we know about it. You will find us really easily now from Edinburgh, straight off of the M8 at Charing Cross and we are 2 minutes away so it’s really handy. Hope to see you soon! Best regards from Costanzo and the family.

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